Friday, August 30, 2013

The Drax Files: World Makers [ Episode 10: Robin Sojourner]

If you've ever tried to create a T-shirt for Second Life, enjoyed Marianne McCann's weekly fireworks show each summer at Livingtree, or tried those famous texture tutorials almost everyone finds in Our world (also at Livingtree), then you know Robin (Wood) Sojourner, at least peripherally. She's the creator of those T-shirt templates that have become the de facto standard (see here). It is her sim that Marianne sets ablaze with great regularity (SLurl). And any creator worth their salt starts in a little temple that is loaded with texture tutorial note cards (SLurl). Her influences in-world and in Real Life go much further as seen in the current episode of The Drax Files: World Makers from Draxtor Despres.

Watch it here if you'd like, but visit the YouTube page to leave your comments. Hopefully you are like me and you'd like to see an expanded episode with Robin so let Drax know. She has so much to teach us.

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